Quality control at KUTIFEL

In the company KUTIFEL s.r.o. we place special emphasis on quality control of all products. We believe that quality is a key factor for customer satisfaction and the success of our company. That is why we strive to ensure the high quality of all products at every step of the production process.

Careful control at every step of production

The quality control process begins with the first contact with the products, when they are taken over from the customer, transported to our facilities, where a 100% inspection of the parts is carried out. Inspections are carried out using special technology and equipment - such as cameras, microscopes and magnifying glasses - to ensure that they meet strict criteria. If nonconformities are detected, the products are marked as non-conforming and are disposed of, or, as agreed, returned to the customer separately from the good products. Products that pass quality control are then packaged and prepared for shipment back to the customer.

Cooperation with customers

One of the important parts of our quality control is cooperation with customers. We try to be open and communicative so that we can better understand their needs and adapt products and control to their requirements.

The result of our efforts is ensuring the high quality of all products and customer satisfaction. We are proud to boast many satisfied customers and our high-quality standards.

  • The process of sorting defective products: If defective products are found, these products are marked as non-conforming and can be sorted according to the types of defects if the customer requests, which enables the customer to analyze more closely.
  • Cooperation with customers: One important part of our quality control is cooperation with customers. We try to be open and communicative so that we can better understand their needs and adapt our products to their requirements.
  • High quality standard: The result of our efforts is to ensure the high quality of our products and customer satisfaction. Our company is focused on the production of products that meet strict criteria.
  • Quality control at every step of production: We believe that quality is a key factor for customer satisfaction and the success of our company. That is why we strive to ensure high quality products that you can 100% rely on. Each product is carefully checked by a quality operator.
  • Open communication with customers: We strive to be open and communicative in order to better understand the needs of our customers and adapt products and services to their requirements.
  • The process of sorting defective products: If defective products are found, these products are marked as non-conforming and can be sorted according to the types of defects if the customer requests, which enables the customer to analyze more closely.